Thursday, December 18, 2008

College Doesn't Suck (Oh Wait, It Totally Does) -- by Eggman

I’ve decided that college is completely unnecessary.

Here I am, freshly out of college, and all I have to show for it is a degree I don’t want and a complete lack of employability. And this is the plight of so many quarter-lifers. We’ve been duped into thinking that we need a college degree in order to survive. Well, a lot of good having a degree has done me.

I think this life is too short to be so practical about things. Yeah, for a lot of people college may be a good option. But I think it’s only good if you absolutely know what you want to do and you’re certain college will be a stepping-stone towards that. Most people, including myself, go to college because they’ve been told that if they don’t they’re going to end up homeless and uneducated.

The people I admire most in this world didn’t go to college, or quickly realized they didn’t need it to achieve their goals and subsequently quit. I should have been one of those people. I should have been out living my life instead of relying on college to live it for me and take care of me once I was done.

And I think a lot of people are in the same boat. I blame a lot of this on baby boomers who were somehow convinced that their children needed to go to college and become successful doctors and lawyers and other such nonsense. Since kindergarten we’ve been told by our parents and our teachers that we have to go to college or else.

And people wonder why there’s an epidemic of apathy and aimlessness among Gen Y’ers. We weren’t taught to figure things out for ourselves, to discover our passions and follow our dreams. We were simply told that we had to go to college, get a decent education, and get a job that pays the bills and buys us a nice little house with 2.3 children per household.

And now I’m stuck with a mountain of loans and no means of pursuing my dreams because I wasted so much time working towards something I didn’t want. People keep telling me that I’ll be thankful down the road, but as more time passes, the less probable that seems.

I think going to college was probably the worst decision I’ve ever made. What’s worse is that I feel like it wasn’t even my decision to begin with. Go figure.

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